Type of event: | CANCELED Event |
Start time: | 7:00pm |
End time: | 9:00pm |
External website related to this event: | https://www.greenmountainchorus.com/ |
Venue: | St. Francis Xavier School, 5 Saint Peter St, Winooski VT |
Description: | Please come and Join us. We are preparing for the Holiday season! This is the perfect time to try out Barbershop singing. We are dusting off some of our Holiday favorites, songs that you hear on the radio every December. You know the tunes, you love the season. We have several public performances planned, we are looking to share our fun with as many men as we can. There's no cost, no commitment. Come as you can and get a taste of being part of a great original American Art form. See you on the risers! |