Weekly Meeting/Rehearsal

7:00pm, Tue, Jul 5 2022

  • Event Details
  • Type of event: Chapter Meeting (Rehearsal)
    Start time: 7:00pm
    Venue: St. Francis Xavier School, 5 Saint Peter St, Winooski VT

    Green Mountain Chorus is back to having regular in-person Chorus reherasals each Tuesday evening. We do welcome guests, however COVID transmission risks dictate that those in attendance adhere to guidelines:

    Part of the reason we have been readmitted to the school is our assurance that those in attendance have been fully vaccinated. If you would like to invite a guest, please make certain that they are fully vaccinated.

    If you are sick or not feeling well stay home rather than come to rehearsal. If you have recently been exposed to someone with COVID please refrain from coming to rehearsal until there is some certainty that you will not transmit it to others.

    Given the added risks of the indoor environment, some attendees may choose to wear a mask or maintain some distance from others. Please try to notice any "signals" people might give and allow them those distances.

  • Program
  • Start timeActivityMusicMinutesRun byDetails/Notes
    7:00pmSet up room 5  
    7:05pmWarmup, Polecats 15  
    7:20pmHomework Review 15  
    7:35pmNew Songs / Songs needing work 15  
    7:50pmSection rehearsal 15  
    8:05pmDirector's Choice 15  
    8:20pmBusiness Meeting 5  
    8:25pmBreak 10  
    8:35pmRepertoire Review 15  
    8:50pmQuartets-Tags 15  
    9:05pmWrapUp 15  
    9:20pmPack up room 5  
    Program Duration: 145 minutes; Finish time: 9:25pm